Buy The New Book “Uncle Frank Sez” on April 27th 2011 and Claim Your Prizes!

Get your copy on April 27th, 2011 (and buy a few extra for Father Day gifts) PLUS get these great prizes, too:
Did you ever think you’d be able to take an off-road segway tour through he woods with Uncle Frank? (You read that right. I’ll explain in a minute.) Or join Uncle Frank and his team of merry men as you brave the Sky Towers on one of the largest zip-lines in the world! How about taking a cruise in the mountains with Uncle Frank in one of his convertible Ford Mustangs during the Fall of the year and watching the beautiful leaves turn colors? Or enjoying a 5-Star dinner with Uncle Frank and best-selling author Tracy Myers? Why? Because they are committed to showing you (what else?) an extremely good time?
Now you can. Or, if you just want a weekend beach retreat in one of Uncle Frank’s beach houses, expert business and entrepreneurial advice on everything from sales to real estate to marketing, you can have those, too.
We’re offering these bonuses to you for helping us put the new book by Tracy Myers titled Uncle Frank Sez onto the bestseller list the first day it’s out (which is April 27th, 2011). Buy 1, 3, 25 or 100 copies today, and every gift package is worth at least twice the cost of the books. (Some up to 10 times!) More than $14,000 great experiences and grub up for grabs.
This is THE promotion for this book, and it won’t be repeated! Valid only on April 27th, 2011!
For the bestseller list, only hardcover books shipped to U.S. addresses qualify. So that means this contest applies only to those sales. For the great bonus prizes, you can only make your purchase from on Wednesday April 27th, 2011 until midnight. Beginning April 28th, you can purchase your copy at any participating Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and independent bookstores, either online or in person at your local store.
NOTE: Amazon sometimes limits the number of books you can purchase from them, so if you have any trouble, create another account or use someone else’s (unless that’s illegal. If so, you did NOT hear this from Uncle Frank!)
If you don’t need all the books you buy, consider donating them to a worthwhile organization (library, school, company, charity, race or other event). We can help you figure out where to donate if you’re purchasing 25 or more copies.
This giveaway begins at 12:01 a.m. EST on 4/27 and lasts exactly 24 hours and ends at 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, April 28th. It’s strictly first come, first served, and “limited to 3” means the fourth person doesn’t get it.
Ready? Steady…GO!
Buy Uncle Frank Sez, Get Bonuses
Fair Package: Buy 1 book, get more than $150 in bonuses
Firm Package: Buy 3 books, get up to $500+ in bonuses
Friendly Package: Buy 25 books, get up to $1,000 in bonuses
You Made Your Bed Now Lay In It Package: Buy 100 books, get up to $12,000+ in bonuses
Details are below …
Fair Package: Buy 1 book
Spots: Unlimited
Cost $19.95, Bonuses Worth More Than $150
These two great bonuses come by digital delivery, straight to your inbox: “The Best of Ask the Coach” series by Tammy Holyfield who will teach you how to achieve all your personal and business goals…faster than you’ve ever imagined! ($150) the new ground-breaking report by Tracy Myers titled Uncle Frank’s 21 Secrets of Creating a Money-Making Customer Experience REVEALED! ($9.95)/
Firm Package: Buy 3 books
Spots: Limited to the first 50
Cost $39.90, Bonuses Worth up to $500+
In addition to the Fair Package, the first 50 people to buy 3 copies of the book get a year’s subscription to The Good
Life newsletter, PLUS an invitation to a one-hour group teleconference with author, noted small business marketing and branding solutions specialist, Tracy Myers ($325).
Friendly Package: Buy 25 books
Spots: Limited to 4
Cost $498.75, Bonuses Worth up to $1,000+
Come for a Backyard BBQ with other winners and the Uncle Frank’s entire crew (priceless!); get everything from the Fair Package, which goes to you by digital delivery, straight to your inbox ($150+); plus win ONE of the following: 1) a 1.5 hour off-road Segway tour over the hills and though the woods with Uncle Frank, or 2) an outdoor zipline tour with Uncle Frank!
You Made Your Bed Now Lay In It Package: Buy 100 books
Spots: Limited to 3
Cost $1,400, Bonuses Worth up to $12,000+
Talk, one-on-one, via Skype with book author Tracy Myers—ask him anything: marketing, sales, motivation, business, marriage, writing or trash talking, whatever you want—and I’ll also give an in-person presentation to the group of your choice with any size audience ($7,500); you get everything from the Fair Package, which goes to you by digital delivery, straight to your inbox ($150+); come to our Backyard BBQ with Uncle Frank’s entire crew; plus win ONE of the following: 1) a cruise in the mountains with Uncle Frank in one of his convertible Ford Mustangs during the Fall of the year, 2) a 5-Star dinner with Uncle Frank and best-selling author Tracy Myers (or by yourself if you’d rather be a loner.)
Go on, grab these goodies while you can.
You’ve got from 12:01 a.m. EST on 4/27 until 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, April 28th.
If you buy before then, you will NOT be eligible for the great bonuses.
Order Uncle Frank Sez: Life Lessons From The Front Porch Of A Self-Made Man by Tracy Myers by clicking HERE!

To receive your free gifts, email a copy of your receipt with the date of April 27th, 2011 clearly showing to: before Saturday May 7th, 2011. All receipts that do not have the date of April 27th clearly marked and do not show the purchase of Uncle Frank Sez will be disqualified. Receipts will be taken in the order they are received.